Efficient Article Summarization with QStash: Handling API Rate Limits and Parallel Processing
In this article, we'll build an application to summarise hundreds of online articles at once. To create these summaries, we'll use QStash's LLM integration to call an OpenAI LLM. This not only allows us to bypass platform-specific function execution limits but also massively reduces our billed function execution duration.
You'll learn how to work around OpenAI's API rate limits, which could otherwise be a problem when making many calls in parallel. The result will be hundreds of neatly summarised online articles created at the same time, ready for you to read or further process.
Almost all publically available APIs have a rate limit applied to them, a maximum amount of requests you can make in a certain time frame. And, of course, depending on the API, hitting those limits is usually relatively easy. For example, Twitter is known for having very restrictive API rate limits, even for expensive premium tiers of their API.
OpenAI, the service we'll use to summarize articles, implements a similar rate limit, albeit less restrictive than Twitter. If you depend on a rate-limited API for your service, you're forced to implement some kind of workaround (i.e. throttling) that leads to a more complex codebase.
With Upstash QStash, a message scheduler for the serverless environment, we don't need to worry about throttling mechanisms under high API load. Our API requests are automatically retried when hitting our rate limits to make sure every request gets processed.
To follow along, you'll need:
- A basic understanding of Python and Django.
- An Upstash account to obtain your QStash token and Redis URL.
- A Vercel account to deploy the web application.
- An OpenAI API key to use for summarization.
Project Overview
The project consists of two main components:
A Django web application that receives article summaries and saves them to our Redis database. We'll deploy this application to Vercel.
A Python script that sends articles to OpenAI for summarization using QStash's LLM API support. The script will iterate over 1000 articles stored in Redis, send each one to OpenAI for summarization, and save the summaries back in Redis. We'll use QStash's queue system to handle the parallel processing of these tasks. We will also set the
header to handle API rate limits.
Project Setup
Install Necessary Packages
Install QStash Python SDK, Upstash Redis, Django, and Python-dotenv using pip:
pip install qstash upstash-redis django python-dotenv
QStash Python SDK is used to interact with QStash services, upstash-redis is used to communicate with our database, django is used to create the web application, and python-dotenv is used to load environment variables from a .env
To use a Redis database, create a free account on Upstash and get your Redis URL. Follow the instructions in the Upstash Redis documentation to create one.
Create a Django Project
First, we need to set up a new Django project. Navigate where you'd like this project to live and run:
django-admin startproject article_summarizer
cd article_summarizer
django-admin startapp summarizer
Configure Django Settings
In our settings.py
, we'll add summarizer
to False
. Also, add .vercel.app
to allow requests from Vercel and local development:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['.vercel.app', '', 'localhost']
Add QStash configurations, OpenAI API key, and other environment variables to a .env
file in the project root:
Load the environment variables into the project's settings.py
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
Finally add the following line to the wsgi.py
file to expose the application to Vercel:
app = application
1. Creating a Django View to Use as a Callback URL
We'll create a Django view to use as our callback URL. This view will handle the summary data sent by QStash and save it to our Redis database. We will use the upstash_redis
package to interact with our Redis database. We will also add the csrf_exempt
decorator to the view to allow POST requests without CSRF tokens.
First, we decode the base64-encoded data, extract the summary, and save it to Redis using the article ID as the key.
import base64
import json
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from upstash_redis import Redis
def redis_callback_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
# Parse the request body
data = json.loads(request.body)
# Decode the base64-encoded 'body' field from the callback
encoded_body = data.get('body', '')
decoded_body = base64.b64decode(encoded_body).decode('utf-8')
# Parse the decoded body to JSON format
decoded_data = json.loads(decoded_body)
# Extract the summary from the decoded OpenAI response
summary = decoded_data['choices'][0]['message']['content']
# Extract the article ID from the query parameters
article_id = request.GET.get('article_id')
# Save the summary to Redis
redis = Redis.from_env()
redis.set(f"summary_{article_id}", summary)
return JsonResponse({'status': 'Summary saved to Redis'})
return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid request'}, status=400)
2. Adding the URL Pattern for the Callback View
We will add the URL pattern for the callback view to the summarizer/urls.py
file of the summarizer
from django.urls import path
from .views import redis_callback_view
urlpatterns = [
path('redis-callback', redis_callback_view, name='redis_callback'),
3. Update the Project's URL Configuration
We will include the URL pattern for the summarizer
app in the project's article_summarizer/urls.py
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
path('summarizer/', include('summarizer.urls')),
4. Deploy the Django Application
We will use Vercel to deploy our application. Before deploying, we need to create a vercel.json
file in the project root with the following configuration:
"builds": [
"src": "article_summarizer/wsgi.py",
"use": "@vercel/python",
"config": { "maxLambdaSize": "15mb", "runtime": "python3.9" }
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "article_summarizer/wsgi.py"
Then we will create a requirements file to specify the dependencies. We will run the following command to generate the requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
We are now ready to deploy!
To easily deploy our app, we can create a GitHub repository and push our Django project to it. Then, create a new project on Vercel and connect it to our GitHub repository. After that, Vercel will handle the deployment process for us. After the deployment is complete, we will get a deployment URL that we can use as the callback URL and we need to set our environment variables in our project’s Settings -> Environment Variables. After we set our variables we will redeploy from the Deployments tab.
5. Creating the Queue and Sending Summarization Requests
We'll create a queue with parallelism set to 2, meaning two summarization tasks can run concurrently. Then, we'll iterate over 1000 articles stored in Redis, sending each one to OpenAI for summarization. We'll make sure to set the Retry-After header to 60 seconds to handle OpenAI's per-minute rate limit, and we'll also set the callback URL to our deployed Django application with the article ID as a query parameter.
from upstash_redis import Redis
from qstash import QStash
from qstash.chat import openai
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
redis = Redis.from_env()
qstash_client = QStash(os.getenv("QSTASH_TOKEN"))
qstash_client.queue.upsert("articles-queue", parallelism=2)
for i in range(1, 1001):
article = redis.get(f"article_{i}")
result = qstash_client.message.enqueue_json(
api={"name": "llm", "provider": openai(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))},
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": f"Summarize the following article: {article} \n in 50-100 words, highlighting the main points and key findings. Please use your own words and avoid copying and pasting from the original text. If the article has multiple sections or parts, focus on the most important and relevant information. Thank you!",
headers={"Retry-After": "60",},
And that's it! We now have an app that can summarize hundreds of web articles reliably and quickly using parallelism and automatic retries upon hitting our rate limits. By the way, I included a bonus for you: Use this article summary app to summarize any article and send the summary straight to your email inbox.
For more details, you can explore the Upstash QStash documentation. You can find the complete source code for this project on the GitHub repository. For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.